Changes WITHIN.

Sanskruti Dave
3 min readMar 30, 2022

Didn’t know how will they be felt, but they are in the experience of every cell of my body. They’re so intricate that subconsciously I don’t even notice them. But as I go passing by, as everything is unfolding and I know who I am, I feel the shifts in everything I have identified myself. Something which I can experience so profoundly. This feeling. THE CHANGES WITHIN!


My name is SANSKRUTI. I’m 21 and about to leave the 21st year of my life in just half a month. I’m from Gujarat, India. Well, I am a student pursuing my undergrad in Pharmaceutical Sciences. For the love of sketching and painting, I also have an art account on Instagram. Yeah, things are going well. I am doing good. There have been hard times; obviously, the sun has risen, and time has flown. But things are getting better now.
I’ve always wondered about seeking away from the fluctuations of life. Everything, materialistically and also the things disturbing me within. Changes have always been a hope in line during those times. Although nothing has changed significantly in my surroundings, now, I feel the newness of life; “kick start your day with the new blueberry face wash” Oops! This is a side effect of my watching too much television. Anyways, a fresh start. Let me get you through some atomic changes I have been experiencing these days. (ATOMIC HABITS! oh man, I love that book; well haven’t completed it yet)

okay, so presenting to y’all some of the thoughts which help me think about myself ;

be unwavering, still and at ease.

to unlock your full potential develop the potential personal power.

drop your nonsense and blossom.

the world cannot scratch even slightest to the one who is meditative.

shake it off. shake it off. shake it off.

paying attention to everything around, every intricate detail, every insect, every aspect, every feeling, everyone.

not forming conclusions about anything or anyone.looking at everything just the way it is.

don't be a cold engine. if you start, give it your best shot.

just being loyal to yourself that you're always wonderful.

not thinking about the results and keeping a check on the controlables.

becoming 1% better everyday.

just focusing. you're blessed enough.

at the end,whatever gets you through today, rise and grow.

I know there are a lot more than these. But these are a reminder to me at every step of my life. Whenever I need them, I read them. That’s for me.
Changes have made me realize that the whole prospect of life itself is an experience from within. I felt it and thought of sharing it with you all. There’s a lot more to changes within. This was a small excerpt of what I felt. I was gratified to be able to express whatever I felt. Thanks to!
SO, these are some of my CHANGES WITHIN.


Lots of love!



Sanskruti Dave

student, artist, medical professional, seeker. practices self contended consciousness and enhancing the profoundness of experience of life.